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Friday, December 8, 2023

NJ Highlands Council Draft "Best Management Practices for Forestry and Wetlands" response from New Jersey Forestry Association

New Jersey Forestry Association
PO Box 367

Flemington, NJ 08822

908-832-2400 Phone/Fax

Via email and USPS

October 16, 2023

New Jersey Highlands Council, Members and Staff

c/o Ben Spinelli, Executive Director

100 North Road

Chester, NJ 07930

cc: Gabrielle Gallagher, Esq., Chief Counsel


Re: New Jersey Forestry Association Comments

Regarding New Jersey Highlands Council’s Draft

“Best Management Practices for Forestry in the New

Jersey Highlands Region”

To All Members of the New Jersey Highlands Council:

The New Jersey Forestry Association, Inc. (the “NJFA”)1 is very concerned about

the New Jersey Highlands Council’s draft, identified as “BMPs2 for Forestry in the New

Jersey Highlands Region” and hereby voices its opinion, as follows, objecting thereto.

In our view, these BMPs are devastating to virtually all landowners in the

Highlands Act geography, are in contravention of the Highlands Act, violative of sciencebased

principles and practices of responsible sustainable forestry, potentially force

violation of the Farmland Assessment Act by thousands of property owners, render

properties in the Highlands Act geography valueless, and constitute a taking without just


1 The NJFA, a 501(c)3 organization, founded nearly fifty years ago (with historic roots extending back to

1895, with the launch of the publication, The New Jersey Forester), is dedicated to the wise use,

conservation and scientific management of the private and public forest resources of New Jersey, now

and for future generations.

2 BMP is the abbreviation for Best Management Practices. We refer to them as “identified as,” since, in

our opinion, they do not reflect (and ignore) the input of many trained, credentialed, experienced, forest

management professionals and recognized organizations.

The New Jersey Highlands Council

October 16, 2023


In summary, these BMPs ignore and for practical purposes virtually prohibit the

employment of recognized, accepted and proven science-based forest management

practices – thereby damaging the long-term resiliency and sustainability of forests within

the Highlands Act geography. The BMPs will impinge upon forestry activities,

agricultural and horticultural non-forestry activities, as well as non-farming activities,

including many which fall within the express exceptions and waivers to the Highlands


In our opinion, these so-called BMPs effectuate the desires of special interests

and ignore virtually all of the core findings of the Report of the Sustainable Forestry

Technical Advisory Committee to the Highlands Water Protection and Planning Council,

dated March 28, 2006 (the “Highlands Forestry Report”), and years of input from the

science-based forest management community, including the input recently provided to

representatives of the Highlands Council.

The document which is the subject of this letter is referred to by the Highlands

Council as “Section 3. Highlands Region BMPs and New Jersey Statewide Guidance,”

and is apparently a section of a broader BMP document which has not yet been


Forced Violation of the Farmland Assessment Act

It is our view that these and related BMPs will impact compliance by landowners

with the Farmland Assessment Act (the “FAA”), both agricultural and horticultural, which

include all forms of farming, forest management and forest stewardship. We believe

that these and related BMPs will compel landowners (including landowners of adjacent

or local properties) operating under the FAA to limit or curtail their activities so as to

unjustly force their violation of the provisions of the FAA, expose them to disqualification

for not meeting income requirements under the FAA and/or failing to conduct required,

state-approved activities under the FAA, and expose them to roll-back taxes under the


Prohibition on Science-Based Forest Management

Despite the Highlands Council having received prior input from credentialed,

experienced and recognized forest experts and professionals, and recognized

organizations prior to drafting the BMPs, as well as the Highlands Forestry Report, the

BMPs ignore and effectively prohibit proven, accepted, time-tested, science-based,

responsible forest management and stewardship practices. Those generally accepted,

science-based practices are intended to improve forest resiliency and sustainability,

3 The Highlands Council has indicated that they will be circulating sections 1 and 2 in the future. We do

not understand how sections of such a potentially impactful and devastating document can be selectively

circulated and commented upon piecemeal. As discussed below, we are extremely concerned with the

selected and limited circulation of the draft BMPs and the failure to provide copies of the draft to key

organizations and persons for review and comment.

The New Jersey Highlands Council

October 16, 2023


while fulfilling a range of goals, including water protection, fire resistance and resilience,

storm resilience, resistance to disease and insect damage, invasive species

management, animal habitats, carbon sequestration, recreation, deer management, and

other goals, without the risk of the monolithic, special interests approach of the BMPs.

The proposed BMPs will force non-compliance with proven, accepted, sciencebased

management practices, without regard to the negative long-term forest impacts

due to lack of effective management. The BMPs also effectively force upon landowners

an obligation to conduct affirmative deer management, because for most landowners

and properties, fencing for passive deer management is cost and maintenance

prohibitive. Hence, the BMPs are imposing on landowners the conduct of mandatory

hunting, culling and killing of deer and the risks, liabilities and costs of such activities.

Moreover, an overlay of the implementation of the “BMPs” on forest parcels

within the Highlands Act geography reveals that responsible, science-based, forest

management and stewardship would be effectively prohibited on the majority of the

acreage of those forestlands.4

Taking Without Just Compensation

The BMPs put into effect a taking without just compensation because they will

effectively prohibit economically viable use of land, and render land valueless,

consistent with the Supreme Court’s recent summary and discussion of compensable

takings in Cedar Point Nursery v. Hassid, 923 F.3rd 524 (2021) and analysis under

previous precedent.

BMP Impacts Extend Far Beyond Forest Management

A careful reading of the BMPs reveals that they are not limited to forestry

activities or forest properties and can be employed to impact a broad range of property

types and activities. For example, and without limitation, the Highlands Act contains

fourteen (14) express exemptions (P.L. 2004, c.120, C.13:20-28) and four (4) express

waivers (N.J.A.C 7:38-6.4)5 that were material in the adoption of the Highlands Act into

law. These and future related BMPs will impact many activities within the exemptions

and waivers and may de facto eliminate or severely limit the future implementation of

4We understand that the BMP’s, as proposed, will materially impact approximately 75,000 forest

properties comprising approximately 250,000 acres which fall within the proposed BMPs buffers. The

application of the proposed BMPs would preclude virtually all science-based forest management on those

lands, weakening forest resiliency and sustainability, water protection, animal habitats, fire resistance and

resiliency, carbon sequestration, and resistance to disease and invasive plants and insects.

5We suggest that the potential nullifying impacts of these BMPs on each of the express exemptions and

waivers in the Highlands Act must be reviewed and considered, and we do not limit our comments herein

to forests and farmland, or forest management/forest stewardship activities.

The New Jersey Highlands Council

October 16, 2023


exempted activities and issuance of waivers - effectively rendering a broad range of

those exemptions/waivers null and void.6

Parallel Activities Produce Conflicts

We do not understand the sudden rush to draft and implement these monolithic,

special interest restrictions in the name of “best management practices.” (See Selected

Distribution of BMP Document for Comment, below.) Our concerns are heightened by

the various pieces of forest management legislation and regulation occurring in parallel,

as well as the effective transformance of “recommendations” into “regulations” within the

BMPs and the potential for conflicts going forward. For example, we note the potential

conflicts between the BMPs and their application with the ongoing oversight and

existing regulations of New Jersey’s public and private forests by the New Jersey Forest

Service, the provisions of the Farmland Assessment Act (including the woodland

management plans and forest stewardship plans required thereunder7), generally

accepted best management practices in forest management, as well as the proposed

legislation regarding New Jersey’s public forests based upon the holistic report and

recommendations of the New Jersey Forest Task Force. A race to produce conflicting

law and regulation does not benefit New Jersey, but rather may run to the benefit of

special interests, while harming the long-term future of our forests, and the interests of

individuals, including property owners.

Selected Distribution of BMP Document for Comment

It is our understanding that the Highlands Council elected to not include on their

distribution list many significant, recognized, experienced and important professionals

and organizations who are generally acknowledged for their science-based forest and

wetland expertise and qualifications, even though some had been previously requested

to provide input to the Highlands Council, or have extensive knowledge and/or important

interests in the region - particularly with respect to forestland and farmland. Although

the Highlands Act was adopted in 2004 and the Highlands Forestry Report was

delivered in 2006, we also understand that the Highlands Council allowed only a very

small window for line-by-line comments to these BMPs (and then only by a limited

group). We are perplexed by this approach to circulation and comment on the BMPs,

and why comments from such professionals and organizations were not sought at this


6See for a list of the express waivers and exemptions

under the Highlands Act.

7 It is estimated that approximately 1,500 forest properties within the Highlands Council’s geography are

subject to state-approved woodland management and forest stewardship plans, all prepared and annually

reviewed by foresters approved under N.J.A.C. 7:3-2, employing generally accepted best management

practices, and virtually all of which will be adversely affected, materially limited, or nullified by the BMPs.

The New Jersey Highlands Council

October 16, 2023


Specific Comments

Line-by-line comments will be separately provided by the NJFA, as appropriate.

Requested Action

We respectfully request that the Highlands Council members commence a review

of the BMP development process, the BMPs, the BMP review and comment process, all

submitted comments, and the contents of this letter.

In your review, we urge you to consider not only the well-established body of

science-based forest management, but also the interests of landowners, including,

without limitation, owners of farms, forests and other lands, including lands subject to

the Farmland Assessment Act, and those operating under state approved woodland

management and forest stewardship plans.

We have delivered this letter to Executive Director Spinelli and Chief Counsel

Gallagher, for distribution to all Members of the New Jersey Highlands Council and

appropriate Highlands Council staff. We would be pleased to meet with you and your

staff at your convenience to discuss our concerns and thank you for your attention in

this important matter.


Elmer Platz

Elmer Platz, President


NJ Highlands Council Draft "Best Management Practices for Forestry and Wetlands"

 New Jersey Highlands Water Protection and Planning Council

DRAFT/CONFIDENTIAL BMPs for Forestry in the New Jersey Highlands Region, Release Date: [Month] 2023


Section 3. Highlands Region BMPs and New Jersey Statewide


3.1 Introduction

The New Jersey Highlands Region is designated as a special resource area of the state on par with

the Pinelands and Meadowlands, and has been set aside for enhanced natural resource protections

through the New Jersey Highlands Water Protection and Planning Act (N.J.S.A. 13:20-1 et seq.).

The Highlands Act created the Highlands Council and provided it with the authority to transmit to

the Commissioner of Environmental Protection recommendations for standards pertaining to the

lands and natural resources of the Highlands Region as the Council deems appropriate (see N.J.S.A.


While the New Jersey Forestry and Wetlands Best Management Practices Manual (Manual)

prepared by the New Jersey Bureau of Forest Management (October 1995) provides far-reaching

and comprehensive guidance for the proper management of New Jersey’s forests and wetlands,

additional protections are required in the Highlands region to meet the mandates of the Highlands


The Highlands Council has worked in collaboration with numerous stakeholders including relevant

departments within the NJDEP, professional foresters, researchers, and ecologists to develop these

Highlands Region-specific BMPs that reflect the statutory guidance provided in the Highlands Act,

the regulatory guidance provided in the Highlands Water Protection and Planning Act Rules

(N.J.A.C. 7:38), and the regional planning guidance provided by the Highlands Regional Master

Plan (RMP).

The information that follows has been divided into two sections: Areas where statewide guidance

diverges from what’s required in the Highlands, and areas where the Highlands Act and RMP

require considerations that are not currently included in the statewide guidance.

3.2 Highlands Region Diversions from the Statewide Guidance

Sections 3.2.1 through 3.2.7 identify areas discussed in the Statewide Guidance that require

additional consideration in the Highlands Region.

3.2.1 Wetland Buffers

There are many types of wetlands, including swamps, marshes, bogs, and vernal pools, but they all

have 3 important characteristics which include water, hydric soils and hydrophytic vegetation.

Water levels can be just below the ground surface (high water table), at or above the ground surface

and it can be intermittent. This can include flooding by nearby waterbodies or seasonal pools, such

as vernal pools. Hydric soils are formed due to prolonged periods without oxygen and tend to have

characteristic colors that are used to identify them. Hydrophytic vegetation refers to plant species

that are adapted to survive in areas that flood or have hydric soils. These plants can be graminoids,

forbs, shrubs, or trees. Some plants have been added to “The National List of Plants that Occur in

Wetlands” and given a “Wetland indicator status” that designates how likely a plant is to occur

within a wetland. This list was developed by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Army Corps of

Engineers, The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the USDA Natural Resources


New Jersey Highlands Water Protection and Planning Council

DRAFT/CONFIDENTIAL BMPs for Forestry in the New Jersey Highlands Region, Release Date: [Month] 2023


Conservation Service. In the current NJ Forestry and Wetland BMP manual (1995), the buffer size

of wetlands is determined by the value given to the wetland.

NJ Forestry and Wetland BMP guidance for Wetland Buffers

 Wetlands of exceptional resource value – 150ft buffer

o Those wetlands documented habitat of certain endangered or threatened

species, or adjacent to FW1 and FW2 trout production waters or their


 Ordinary resource value wetlands – no buffer

o Ditches and swales

o Detention basins

 Small, isolated wetlands surrounded by at least 50 percent development

o Wetlands of intermediate resource value – 50ft buffer

 These buffers are associated with all other wetlands

NJ Highlands Region BMPs Wetland Buffers

In the NJ Highlands region, all wetlands, excluding ditches, swales and detention basins, require a

300-ft buffer regardless of their wetland classification of exceptional, ordinary or small. The NJ

Highland Council’s interactive map is a tool that foresters, private landowners and the general

public can use to help identify potential wetland areas. A project that is in an area and is mapped as

a Wetlands on the NJ Highland Council’s interactive map should obtain a Letter of interpretation

(LOI) from the NJDEP to confirm the wetland boundary. Vegetated cover conversion shall be

regulated by NJDEP Wetland mitigation.

In the NJ Highlands region, activities that are permitted within the wetland buffer include the

removal of hazardous trees, invasive species management, and deer management. The removal of

stumps is not permitted within the wetland buffer. The conversion of vegetation type within a

wetland requires a wetland permit obtained through the NJDEP. The application of

pesticides/herbicides is dependent on whether the compound is permitted to be used within a

wetland area in accordance with NJDEP guidelines.

It should also be noted that Vernal Pools are considered separately and distinctly from wetlands in

the Highlands RMP. Please see section 3.3.1 for Vernal Pool guidance.

3.2.2 Streamside Management Zones

NJ Forestry and Wetland BMP guidance for Streamside Management Zones (SMZ)

Designed to protect a water body from adjacent land-use activities by providing a relatively

undisturbed vegetative zone to trap and filter out sediments and other pollutants before they enter

the water resource.

 The width of SMZ ranges between 25ft on each side of a streambed in slightly erodible

soils to 50 feet in severely erodible soils.

 Minimum SMZs:

o Slope 0-10%, minimum SMZ is 25 ft up to 50 ft

o Slope 11-20%, minimum SMZ is 40 ft up to 130 ft


New Jersey Highlands Water Protection and Planning Council

DRAFT/CONFIDENTIAL BMPs for Forestry in the New Jersey Highlands Region, Release Date: [Month] 2023


o Slope 21-45%, minimum SMZ is 70 ft up to 200 ft

NJ Highlands Region BMPs Open Water Protection Areas

Highlands Open Water protection areas require a 300-ft buffer regardless of slope. Activities that

are permitted within the riparian buffer include the removal of hazardous trees, planting native bare

root stock and native plants up to 1 gallon in size, invasive species management, and deer

management. Removing stumps is not permitted within the Highlands Open Water Protection

Areas. Activities that cause soil disturbance are not permitted within the Highlands Open Water

Protection Areas.

3.2.3 Road Maintenance and Construction

NJ Forestry and Wetland BMP guidance for Road Maintenance and Construction

 Locate access roads outside the SMZ and wetlands, unless no other alternative exists.

 Stabilize exposed soil on roads within the SMZ.

 Avoid road construction during wet periods.

NJ Highlands Region BMPs for Road Maintenance and Construction

In the Highlands Region, all forestry road maintenance and construction must adhere to the

Highlands Open Water buffers and Critical Habitat buffers.

3.2.4 Skid Trails

NJ Forestry and Wetland BMP guidance for Skid Trails

 Skid trails should be well-planned.

 Avoid skidding on slopes greater than 20%.

NJ Highlands Region BMPs for Skid Trails

In the Highlands Region, all skid trails must adhere to the Highlands Open Water buffers and

Critical Habitat buffers. Skidding will not be permitted on slopes greater than 40%. Skid work shall

only be conducted while the ground is frozen to minimize soil disturbance.

3.2.5 Timber Harvesting

NJ Forestry and Wetland BMP guidance for Timber Harvesting include recommendations for following

SMZs however, the NJ Highlands open water buffers must be used in place of the NJ Forestry and

Wetlands BMP manual’s recommended SMZs.

NJ Highlands Region BMPs for Timber Harvesting

In the Highlands Region, timber harvesting plans must adhere to the Highlands Open Water

Buffers and not disturb soils within those buffers. Timber Harvesting plans must also outline the

location and size of wetlands on site, location and buffers of vernal pools on site, where the access

roads and landing sites will be located, an inventory of both canopy and understory woody species,

an inventory of non-native invasive species and a plan for how the landowner will manage the

invasive species and how will the land-owner address herbivory from deer. The Highlands Council

encourages the use of adaptive management planning due to effects of invasive species, diseases

and white-tailed deer herbivory on the ability of the forest to regenerate successfully. It should be

anticipated that disturbances will occur, and that the landowner is aware that due to these possible


New Jersey Highlands Water Protection and Planning Council

DRAFT/CONFIDENTIAL BMPs for Forestry in the New Jersey Highlands Region, Release Date: [Month] 2023


disturbances, that the management plan of the forest may have to be adjusted in order to reach the

regeneration goals.

3.2.6 Pesticide Use

NJ Forestry and Wetland BMP guidance for Pesticide Use

 For aerial spray applications, maintain and mark a buffer area of at least 50 ft around all

ponds, lakes, streams and marshes to avoid drift or accidental application of chemicals

directly into a water surface.

NJ Highlands Region BMPs for Pesticide Use

In the NJ Highlands region, a 300-ft buffer is required for aerial pesticide application around

Highlands Open Waters. Hand application may be applied within the 300-ft buffer if state pesticide

application guidelines are followed within Wetland use zones.

3.2.7 Reseeding Disturbed and Compacted Areas

The current NJ Forestry and Wetland BMP manual (1995) include many highly invasive, non-native

plants as well as the application of fertilizers. It is critical that non-native plants are not introduced

into our forests as well as the addition of fertilizers which are known to negatively impact water


NJ Highlands Region BMPs for Reforestation, Reseeding Disturbed and Compacted Areas

In the NJ Highlands region, all seeding mixes must be exclusively plants that are native to this

region of the United States, and it is not permitted to use fertilizers as amendments to any areas of


3.2.8 Forest Protection

NJ Forestry and Wetland BMP guidance for Forest Protection

The current recommendations for prescribed fire in the NJ Forestry and Wetland BMP manual

focus on the elimination of or reduction or unincorporated organic matter on the forest floor.

NJ Highlands Region BMPs for Forest Protection and Prescribed Fire

In the NJ Highlands region, wildfire was historically part of the forest landscape. Prescribed

burning (RxB) can have a multitude of benefits such as forest regeneration, invasive species

management as well and managing wildfire risks. If a landowner decides to incorporate RxB into

their forest management/woodland management/forest stewardship plan, they must evaluate what

invasive species are present on the property and understand that some invasive species respond

positively (increase growth) as a response to fire, as well as how deer density will impact forest

regeneration post-fire. It will also be important to consider any vernal pools and natural heritage

priority sites within the burn area or closely surrounding it due to the impacts of fire on the plants

and animals that are utilizing those areas. While it is not prohibitive to use prescribed fire within

these areas, the timing of the burn for the protection of these organisms must be taken into great

consideration, and burning within these areas must only be done when the ground is frozen so that

it protects over-wintering amphibians that are subterranean, and that rare plant species receive the

greatest amount of protection for their underground root systems during the burn.


New Jersey Highlands Water Protection and Planning Council

DRAFT/CONFIDENTIAL BMPs for Forestry in the New Jersey Highlands Region, Release Date: [Month] 2023


3.3 Not Specifically Addressed in Statewide Guidance

Sections 3.3.1 through 3.3.10 discuss areas or resources not mentioned in the statewide guidance

that require special consideration in the Highlands Region.

3.3.1 Vernal Pools

Vernal pools are critical habitat for many species, including some that are rare and threatened. It is

important to address how to best protect these important habitats by taking additional precautions

than that of other wetlands. Amphibians are known to utilize a large radius around vernal pools,

thus making these areas vital for protection, particularly when the ground is not frozen. In the

Highlands Region, vernal pools receive a 300m buffer to ensure not only the protection of the

vernal pool basin itself, but also the habitat for the amphibians that are utilizing that vernal pool

(Ecosystem management technical report, page 58).

NJ Highlands Region BMPs for Vernal Pools

Activities that would be permitted within the vernal pool buffer include the removal of hazardous

trees, invasive species management, and deer management. Activities that would cause soil

disturbance and the use of pesticides are not permitted within the Highlands Open Water

Protection Areas or the Highlands vernal pool buffers.

The Highlands Council has chosen to use the NJDEP’s guidance on mapped vernal pool buffers

(300m) instead of the Highlands Regional Master Plan’s buffer of 1,000ft. The Highlands Council

finds that the difference in distance, 984ft (300m) and 1,000ft is negligible and thus will be

consistent with NJDEP mapping conventions.

The Highlands Interactive Map and the Highlands ERI web applications can both be used to

determine if there are verified vernal pools within a project area. There may also be unverified

vernal pools on the property, and it will be important to identify all vernal pools on a property and

grant them the same buffer protection.

Vernal pools generally are dry during part of the year, so it is important to look for characteristics

of vernal pools while assessing a project area. Not all vernal pools have been certified by the

NJDEP, however, that does not mean that there are not functioning vernal pools in a project area.

The following criteria to identify a vernal pool comes from the Pennsylvania Vernal Pool

Identification Guide:

To identify a vernal pool during a dry phase, look for areas that have some of the following

characteristics. However, you do not need all of the characteristics to be present for it to be a vernal


1. Depression of water-stained and decomposing leaves and debris

2. Trees with buttressed trunks

3. Tree trunks with stains that mark high water levels

4. Hydric soils

5. Wetland plants growing in dry soil

There are three protection zones within the vernal pool buffer, the vernal pool basin that contains

the breed pool, the 50m zone, and the 300m zone (The following recommendations are based


New Jersey Highlands Water Protection and Planning Council

DRAFT/CONFIDENTIAL BMPs for Forestry in the New Jersey Highlands Region, Release Date: [Month] 2023


upon the NRCS – Vernal Pool Habitat in Conservation Planning (Vermont Biology Technical

notes 1, 2010).

1 Vernal pool basin/breeding pool: This area is defined as the vernal pool

depression to the high-water mark measured in the spring. This can be evaluated

by looking for obvious changes in topography around the edge of the vernal

pool or water-stained and compressed leaves. Do not disturb this area during any

season. This includes the removal of woody debris or application of herbicides

within this area.

2 100m zone. This area is defined from the edge of the spring high-water mark out

to 100m away. Retention of canopy cover is important in this zone, so only hand

removal of invasive species without the use of herbicide will be permitted.

Ensure canopy coverage of at least 80% within this area, even if that means

leaving some non-native species. Non-native species can be removed over a span

of years while allowing for native regeneration (or planting) to ensure that

adequate canopy coverage shades this area. Work done in this area should only

occur when the ground is frozen completely in mid-winter.

3 The 100m - 300m zone. Adequate amphibian habitat will require a minimum of

60% canopy coverage with a combination of large mature trees, shrubs, and

woody material on the forest floor. Abundant coarse woody material of various

sizes, deep leaf litter, and canopy coverage will allow for a moist forest floor that

is critical for amphibians. Hazard trees may be removed from this area, and

invasive species management and native plantings may occur in this area,

however, there should be no heavy equipment or pesticides used within the

100m - 300m zone. It is important to not alter the hydrology of the vernal pool

by creating roadways or directing additional run-off to this area because it can

introduce pollutants and sediments to the vernal pool.

3.3.2 Natural Heritage Priority Sites

Natural Heritage Priority sites are currently noted in Woodland Management plans and forest

stewardship plans and a report from the Natural Heritage Priority. These sites provide critical

habitat and/or have unique features that need an additional level of protection.

NJ Highlands Region BMPs for Natural Heritage Priority Sites

In the Highlands region, if the project site or parcel contains a Natural Heritage Priority Site, the

following activities are restricted from this area:

1. Foliar spraying or broadcast spraying of herbicide

a. Targeted herbicide treatment such as cut and dab or ex-ject is permitted, however

the risk of overspray from foliar or broadcast spraying is too great and shall not be


2. Heavy machinery, including forestry mowers, are not permitted in these areas.

a. Walk-behind mowers and weed whackers are allowed.

3. Removal of canopy trees

a. Exceptions are given in the cases of hazard trees or for the explicit need to allow

more light to the canopy floor to a support a species that is already residing at that

location (example: bog turtle)


New Jersey Highlands Water Protection and Planning Council

DRAFT/CONFIDENTIAL BMPs for Forestry in the New Jersey Highlands Region, Release Date: [Month] 2023


4. The creation of roads, skid trails or landing areas are not permitted within Natural Heritage

Priority sites.

3.3.3 Invasive Species

Invasive species have become an increasingly important issue in New Jersey. Invasive species

negatively impact the forest ecosystem by out-competing native species due to lack of natural

controls and herbivory pressure from white-tailed deer. Non-native invasive species can have

negative impacts by affecting the hydrological and fire cycles, as well altering the patterns of natural

succession (New Jersey Forest Action Plan). Due to changing climate and unprecedented pressure

from invasive species and white-tailed deer, it has become imperative to address invasive species

when conducting any type of Forestry work in New Jersey. Invasive species are likely to colonize

newly disturbed areas and will often over-take an area quickly especially with the excessive deer

browse on native plants (New Jersey Forest Action Plan). Controlling and preventing non-native

invasive plants will be vital elements of any forestry activities in the Highlands (Highlands MPRR

page 14).

NJ Highlands Region BMPs for Invasive Species

 Conduct a survey throughout the planned stand area to identify species of invasive species

and approximate quantities of these species.

 Treat the area and a 50ft buffer of the area for invasive species at least two weeks prior to

disturbance of the site.

 Wash all equipment (vehicles, tools, etc) to reduce the risk of non-native seeds, pests and

diseases are not being accidentally introduced into the stand or landing area.

 Follow up one (1) year after management and treat for any resprouting /re-emergence or

new invasive species at the site.

 Document and record all findings and treatments at the stand.

 Write plan for how to deal with invasive species on site, including how to deal with invasive

species within Highlands open water buffers and critical habitat areas (vernal pools)

 Monitor and treat invasive species at site and landing areas for a minimum of 2 years post


3.3.4 Deer Management

Deer populations in NJ have grown dramatically in the last 50 years. Historically, most of NJ

naturally supported populations of deer of approximately 10 per square mile, and now populations

in some areas are exceeding 200 per square mile. The increased number of deer in addition to a

reduction in available habitat from fragmentation as a result of development has led to enormous

pressure on forest ecosystems (NJ Highlands MPRR page 14, New Jersey State Forest Action Plan).

White-tailed deer are a native and natural part of New Jersey’s landscape, but the current

population size is unsustainable for the deer and the for the resources that they share with other

animals and plants. Deer are having a large selective force on our NJ forests and are impacting

forest regeneration (New Jersey State Forest Action Plan).

NJ Highland Region BMPs for Deer Mangement

 Deer density studies to quantify deer populations in the treatment area or use current data

from the municipality (preferable) or county to estimate deer density.


New Jersey Highlands Water Protection and Planning Council

DRAFT/CONFIDENTIAL BMPs for Forestry in the New Jersey Highlands Region, Release Date: [Month] 2023


 Deer management must be part of forest stewardship plans/woodland management plans.

If the landowner does not want active deer management on their property, they shall

employ other deer deterrents such as fencing or allow deer drives to take place on their

property to allow for active deer management on adjacent properties.

 Deer exclusion (fencing and repellent) shall be used in conjunction with active deer

management when deer densities exceed 50 per square mile to allow for forest regeneration.

 Write plan for how to manage for deer density on site (hunting – how many deer need to be

harvested per year/per acre, deer fencing/tubes, deterrent sprays)

 Write a plan stating how you will monitor and how often you will monitor for deer


 If deer herbivory reaches a given threshold, how are you going to adapt your management

plan to ensure the landowner will reach their forest regeneration goals?

3.3.5 Forest Soils

Forest soils are the basis for the health of the entire forest, and it is critical to manage these soils

proactively when conducting forestry work in the Highlands (MPRR page 14). When a location is

being considered for forestry work, whether it is harvesting, restoration, enhancement or

stewardship, a standardized soil test to understand the soil conditions as well as to determine

whether these soils have been plowed. Plant selection for a particular site should be based on what

species are native to the site’s soil conditions rather than to alter the soil or site conditions to

encourage a selected species (Stewardship, Restoration and Mitigation of Forest Habitat in the NJ


NJ Highlands Forestry BMPs for Soil Management

 Soil testing to assess the soil conditions of the site

 Prohibit the disturbance of primary forest soils except in the incidences of the removal of

hazard trees

 Limit disturbance of any forest soils by conducting forestry work when the ground is frozen

 Soil enhancement techniques for degraded soil such as leaving generous amounts of woody

material and inoculating the soil with beneficial microbes via compost tea area appropriate

measures that should be considered.

3.3.6 Steep Slopes

Steep slopes defined within the Highlands Regional Master Plan are any slope having a grade of

15% or more, or if situated in a Riparian area, of 10% or more. The disturbance of a steep slope

can cause soil erosion which can result in siltation in water bodies as well as the loss of topsoil.

Flooding and landslide issues can also arise as a result of steep slope disturbance from changes in

draining patterns. It is important to protect steep slopes in the NJ Highlands due to the negative

impacts that can be caused by the disturbance of this natural landscape (Highlands RMP, page 147).

Slopes as defined in the Highlands RMP are grouped into the following categories.

 Constrained Slopes – All non-Riparian Area lands having a slope of 15% to less than 20%

which are non-forested and exhibit one or more of the following characteristics: a) highly


New Jersey Highlands Water Protection and Planning Council

DRAFT/CONFIDENTIAL BMPs for Forestry in the New Jersey Highlands Region, Release Date: [Month] 2023


susceptible to erosion; b) shallow depth to bedrock; or c) a Soil Capability Class indicative

of wet or stony soils.

 Limited Constrained Slopes – All non-Riparian Area lands having a slope of 15% to less than

20%, which are non-forested, are not highly susceptible to erosion, and do not have a

shallow depth to bedrock or a Soil Capability Class indicative of wet or stony soils.

 Moderately Constrained Slopes – All forested non-Riparian Area lands having a slope of 15% to

less than 20%.

 Severely Constrained Slopes– All lands having slopes of 20% or greater and all lands within

Riparian Areas having slopes of 10% and greater.

o The only forestry activities permitted within severely constrained slopes are invasive

species management, deer management, planting and hazard tree removal.

NJ Highlands Forestry BMPs for Steep Slopes

Activities that would disturb soils are prohibited on Severely Constrained Slopes. Such activities

would include skidding, timber harvesting, or any other silvicultural activity that would disturb the

soil. Activities that would be allowed include invasive species removal with the exclusion of

machinery such as a brush hog, planting, deer exclosures and deer management.

3.3.7 Habitat Creation & Enhancement

Habitat creation and enhancement activities shall only be permitted in the Highlands Region after a

consistency determination is issued by the NJ Highlands Council. A consistency determination is a

formal review process that the NJ Highlands Council undertakes to assess the impacts of a given

project on NJ Highlands resources. Any habitat creation or enhancements will be evaluated not

only for the benefit of a particular species or set of species but considers how this habitat

creation/enhancement will impact other Highlands resources.

NJ Highlands Forestry BMPs for Habitat Creation and Enhancement

An approved application for a consistency determination from the Highlands council is required

for any habitat creation and enhancement projects in the Highlands region.

3.3.8 Core Forest, Older-growth forests and forest fragmentation

Core forest is the innermost forested areas in the Highlands and provides critical habitat for forest

interior species. These forests generally also contain older-growth forests per the Vermeule Maps.

Due to its relatively lower “edge effects” caused by human disturbances, it is important to keep

core forests intact. Core forests are beneficial because they are not fragmented like the majority of

NJ forests, and it is important to keep the forest and the canopy intact.

NJ Highlands Forestry BMPs for Core Forest, Older-Growth Forests and Forest Fragmentation

Activities such as invasive species management, deer management and tree planting are permitted

within core forests, however the creation of canopy gaps larger than 0.5 acres will not be permitted

within Highlands core forests without review by NJ Highlands Council staff to ensure that

Highlands resources are not being impacted by the project.

3.3.9 Historical, Archeological, and Cultural Resources

The Highlands Region has played an important part in the history of New Jersey. The cultural and

historic resources that this region provide tourism opportunities, education, and allow residents and


New Jersey Highlands Water Protection and Planning Council

DRAFT/CONFIDENTIAL BMPs for Forestry in the New Jersey Highlands Region, Release Date: [Month] 2023


visitors alike to take a glimpse into the regions past. Historic resources in the region include

buildings, statues, historically important town districts, or sites. The Highlands region has over 600

listed historic resources, 4 of which are listed as national historic landmarks. Cultural and

archeological resources such as ruins, structures, graves, or human remains are spread throughout

the Highlands. As time progresses the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) anticipates that

even more sites in the Highlands will be added to the registry. The continued protection and

preservation of these resources is required to maintain the unique character of the New Jersey

Highlands. The Highlands Council interactive map uses a grid system to identify the locations of

these sites. The list of these resources described in the Highlands Regional Master Plan (RMP page

93-95) is as follows:

Agricultural Historic Districts and Farmsteads, including farm buildings such as houses,

barns, windmills, spring houses, corn cribs, fields, fence lines, etc.;

Historic Landmark Districts and architecture that represent a significant period in American

History such as Ringwood Manor, Skylands Manor, Craftsman Farms, early stone houses,

log cabins, churches, and schools;

Archaeological sites, including early American settlements, such as the prehistoric Black

Creek site in Sussex County, rock shelters, and historic mill and farm ruins;

Designed landscapes attributed to a significant landscape architect or designer;

Health and public welfare facilities, including Greystone Park (State Asylum for the Insane)

and Morris County Alms House and Hospital;

Industrial facilities or complexes, including Long Pond Ironworks, saw mills, grist mills,

manufacturing sites, dams, quarries, mines, lime kilns, paper mills, and forge sites;

Military installations and places of significance such as Picatinny Arsenal and American

Revolutionary War Encampments, Battlefields, and skirmish sites;

Recreational landmarks such as the Appalachian Trail, the White Deer Plaza and Boardwalk

in Sparta Township, or Civilian Conservation Corps facilities;

Transportation structures representing a significant period of time in history or unusual

engineering type, such as the Morris Canal, and stone or steel truss bridges; and

Water supply facilities such as the Wanaque Reservoir dam.

Ground disturbing activities near a waterway are subject to formal regulatory review through the

permitting process and would have a formal review from the State Historic Preservation Office for

impacts on cultural resources. Please review LUCY cultural resource GIS viewer here to inform the

regulated public to areas of known archaeological sensitivity (see the archaeology grid squares) here:


NJ Highlands Forestry BMPs for Historical, Archeological, and Cultural resources

In the Highlands Region, if a project area is within a Highlands Archaeological grid, the State

Historic Preservation office must be contacted for review prior to the start of work.

Areas of high archaeological sensitivity for Native American and colonial period habitation sites are

on moderate- to well-drained soils, less than 15-percent slope, and within 500 feet of a water course


New Jersey Highlands Water Protection and Planning Council

DRAFT/CONFIDENTIAL BMPs for Forestry in the New Jersey Highlands Region, Release Date: [Month] 2023


and/or large wetland and ground disturbing activities should be limited. There can also be upland

activity areas such as Native American rock shelters and/or Native American and historic period

mining activities.

Protective matting shall be used around wetlands for temporary roadway/access projects also

protects archaeological resources and is recommended. For large scale replanting/reforestation

projects, use bare root stock or up to 1 gallon size since this work does not have the potential to

penetrate below the agricultural plow zone into lower intact soils. A professional archaeologist

will/is required to review the area after the ground disturbing activity is completed.

Review is required for the replacement of any culvert made of stone or brick to ensure they are not

a historic property.

3.3.10 Climate Change Considerations

The New Jersey Highlands region is characterized by extensive forested areas that support

biodiversity, water quality, and ecosystem services and serve as an important carbon sink for the

region and the state. Forests and natural lands in NJ store an estimated 8.1 million metric tons of

carbon dioxide equivalent (MMTCO2e) annually and are the sole identified carbon sink in the

state’s 2022 Report of the Greenhouse Gas Inventory, representing an 8% annual sink of CO2

compared to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Preserving forests and other natural lands as a

carbon sink is a key element of the New Jersey strategy for mitigating GHG emissions. However,

the functionality, health, and resilience of the New Jersey Highlands forests face growing threats

due to climate change.

The ecosystem disturbances due to climate change increase the vulnerability of forests to stress and

tree mortality events. Climate change causes interconnected threats, such that one factor alone may

not cause mortality, but in combination, trees are more susceptible to stressful events. Rising

temperatures and changing precipitation patterns may adversely affect the phenology, growth, and

distribution of tree species, negatively impacting forest health. Additionally, warmer temperatures

can facilitate the expansion of diseases and invasive species. Altered climate conditions may also

influence the frequency and intensity of wildfires, potentially resulting in significant changes to the

forest's structure and overall composition. Such changes may lead to shifts in the composition of

tree species, favoring some that are more adaptable to warmer temperatures while pushing others

out of their traditional habitat.

Changes in precipitation patterns due to climate change are of particular concern in the Highlands

region. A study on projected changes in extreme rainfall in New Jersey finds that under moderate

atmospheric warming, projected precipitation associated with the 100-year storm may increase by as

much as 37% to 50% in Highlands counties. Compounding the threats of increased rainfall, much

of the topography of the Highlands region is characterized by steep slopes, narrow valleys, and

rocky terrain, rendering these areas highly vulnerable to flooding and flash flooding conditions.

Given the substantial risks to human health associated with flooding, the natural systems that

attenuate flooding, including wetlands, riparian buffers, and forested steep slopes, must be

preserved and protected.


New Jersey Highlands Water Protection and Planning Council

DRAFT/CONFIDENTIAL BMPs for Forestry in the New Jersey Highlands Region, Release Date: [Month] 2023


In light of these challenges, it is imperative to implement practices that prioritize biodiversity,

native species, the maintenance of forest structure, and the protection of Highlands Open Water

Areas to enhance the resilience of forests in the New Jersey Highlands Region. Strategies that

promote ecological connectivity between forest fragments through wildlife corridors and

contiguous protected areas can facilitate species migration and genetic exchange, aiding forests in

adapting to changing climatic conditions. Preserving the integrity of watersheds by safeguarding

open water buffers and forested steep slopes within the region is important for maintaining water

availability, quality, and ecosystem services while mitigating the impacts of increased rainfall and

vulnerability to flooding.

NJ Highlands Forestry BMPs for Climate Change Resilience

 Preserve or restore biological diversity and forest structure to enhance native species


 Restore a diverse range of native species in highly disturbed areas.

 Minimize soil and steep slope disturbances.

 Prevent the encroachment of invasive species, especially after disturbance.

 Promote ecological connectivity by focusing on preserving or establishing habitat corridors.


New Jersey Highlands Water Protection and Planning Council

DRAFT/CONFIDENTIAL BMPs for Forestry in the New Jersey Highlands Region, Release Date: [Month] 2023


Appendix I Summary Comparison of Highlands BMPs and Statewide Guidance

The following table provides a high-level summary comparison of Highlands BMPs and Statewide

Guidance. Complete details can be found in Section 3 of the Highlands Forestry and Wetland BMP


Areas where standards are the same Filter strips

Stream crossings

Log decks and portable sawmill sites

Areas where Highlands BMPs diverge from

Statewide Guidance

(see sections 3.2.1 through3.2.7 for details)

Stream side management zones

 All SMZ for riparian areas are 300 ft


 All wetland buffer are 300ft

Access roads

 Must adhere to Highlands Open water


Timber harvesting

 Must include inventory of canopy and

understory woody species – including

non-native invasive plants,

 invasive species management plan

 Plan for how the landowner will

address deer herbivory as it may

impact forest regeneration.

Skid Trails

 Consistent with current standards

except skidding on slopes greater than

40% is prohibited

Site preparation

 Consistent with additional steps

 Improve compacted soils

 Adhere to Highlands Open water

buffers and critical habitat buffers

Forest pesticides

 Consistent except that aerial spray

must adhere to the Highlands Open

Water buffers and critical habitat



 All seeding mixes must include 100%

native plant species

Forest Protection

 Prescribed fire may also be used to

promote vegetation regeneration and


New Jersey Highlands Water Protection and Planning Council

DRAFT/CONFIDENTIAL BMPs for Forestry in the New Jersey Highlands Region, Release Date: [Month] 2023


control of some invasive species

 Precautions must be in place to

protect vernal pools and natural

heritage priority sites

Areas not specifically addressed in

Statewide Guidance

(see sections 3.3.1 through 3.3.10 for details)

Vernal Pools

 All vernal pool buffers are 300m

 3 zones of protection

 Basin/Breeding pool zone

 100m zone

 100-300m zone

Natural Heritage Priority site

In the Highlands region, if the project site or

parcel contains a Natural Heritage Priority

Site, the following activities are restricted from

this area:

 Foliar spraying or broadcast spraying

of herbicide

 Heavy machinery, including forestry

mowers, are not permitted in these


 Removal of canopy trees

 The creation of roads, skid trails or

landing areas are not permitted within

Natural Heritage Priority sites.

Invasive species

 Inventory non-native species on site

 Write plan for how to deal with

invasive species on site, including how

to deal with invasive species within

Highlands open water buffers and

critical habitat areas (vernal pools)

 Clean all equipment to remove

invasive species seed and debris prior

to entering site

 Monitor and treat invasive species at

site and landing areas for a minimum

of 2 years post-treatment

Deer Management

 Conduct deer density survey or obtain

deer density data from municipality or


 Write plan for how to manage for deer

density on site (hunting – how many


New Jersey Highlands Water Protection and Planning Council

DRAFT/CONFIDENTIAL BMPs for Forestry in the New Jersey Highlands Region, Release Date: [Month] 2023


deer need to be harvest per year/per

acre, deer fencing/tubes, deterrent


 Write a plan stating how you will

monitor and how often you will

monitor for deer herbivory

 If deer herbivory reaches a given

threshold, how are you going to adapt

your management plan to ensure the

landowner will reach their forest

regeneration goals?

Forest Soils

 Soil testing to assess the soil

conditions of the site

 Prohibit the disturbance of primary

forest soils except in the incidences of

the removal of hazard trees

 Limit disturbance of any forest soils

by conducting forestry work when the

ground is frozen

 Soil enhancement techniques for

degraded soil such as leaving generous

amounts of woody material and

inoculating the soil with beneficial

microbes via compost tea are

appropriate measures that should be


Habitat Creation & Enhancement

 Requires a consistency determination

from the Highlands Council

Core Forest, Older-growth forests and


 Activities such as invasive species

management, deer management and

tree planting are permitted within core


 Creation of canopy gaps larger than

0.5 acres will not be permitted within

Highlands core forests without review

by NJ Highlands Council staff to

ensure that Highlands resources are

not being impacted by the project.

Historical and Cultural significant areas,

the archeological grid

 Areas of high archaeological sensitivity

for Native American and colonial


New Jersey Highlands Water Protection and Planning Council

DRAFT/CONFIDENTIAL BMPs for Forestry in the New Jersey Highlands Region, Release Date: [Month] 2023


period habitation sites are on

moderate- to well-drained soils, less

than 15-percent slope, and within 500

feet of a water course and/or large

wetland and ground disturbing

activities should be limited.

 There can also be upland activity areas

such as Native American rock shelters

and/or Native American and historic

period mining activities.

 If a project area is within a Highlands

Archaeological grid, the State Historic

Preservation office must be contacted

for review prior to the start of work.

Climate Change Considerations

 Implement practices that prioritize

biodiversity, native species, and

maintenance of forest structure to

enhance the resilience of forests in the

New Jersey Highlands Region.

 Promoting ecological connectivity

between forest fragments through

wildlife corridors and protected areas

can facilitate species migration and

genetic exchange, aiding forests in

adapting to changing climatic


 Preserving the integrity of watersheds

within the region is crucial for

maintaining water availability, quality,

and ecosystem services

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Tax Collector Office Hours 6 December

The Tax Collector's Office will be open on

Wednesday, December 6

from 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Monday, November 27, 2023

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Municipal Office Closure

The Municipal Offices

will be closing at

12:00 pm

Wednesday, Nov 22

and closed Thursday & Friday

Monday, November 20, 2023

LANDUSE BOARD NOTICE for Monday, 20 November 2023



Thursday, November 16, 2023

Cancelled - Environmental Commission Meeting

 The meeting for the Environmental Commission

 scheduled for Thursday, November 16 

has been cancelled due to lack of quorom.

Monday, October 30, 2023

Lewis Lane Paving


Lewis Lane Residents                            30 October 2023


Please be advised that Liberty Township will be paving Lewis Lane on 31 October,  

from High Street to the top end of Lewis Lane.


Street parking is not available and there will be no access for those residents that receive this letter.


This project is weather dependent and the dates are subject to change at any given moment.  We will make every effort to stay on schedule with as little inconveniences to you, the residents. 


If you have any special needs, please contact us so we may work with you.


We thank you in advance for your cooperation!





Liberty Township Department of Public Works

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

NJ General Election Polling places, Secure Drop Box Locations & More



Hello New Jersey Registered Voters -

Election Day is November 7, 2023! Now is a great time to make a plan to vote! As a New Jersey voter, you have 3 ways to vote.

You can choose to vote early, in-person using a voting machine during the Early Voting Period from October 28 – November 5, at any early voting site in your county. Hours for Monday – Saturday are 10-8 and Sundays are 10-6.

You can vote at your local polling place on Election Day from 6 am until 8 pm.

Or you can apply for a mail-in ballot. Applications must be received by mail by October 31st, or you can apply in person at your County Clerk’s office before 3pm on November 6th. Once you receive your mail-in ballot, you can vote, sign, seal and return your ballot to a secure ballot drop box location near you, to your County Board of Elections, or through the mail. Keep in mind that mail-in ballots cannot be returned to early voting or election day polling locations.

Check the following links for more information on your voting options:

Want to vote early, in-person? Click here for dates, times and details.

Voting at the polls? Find your polling location here.

Voting by mail? Click here for info and secure ballot drop boxes near you.

Learn more about the three ways to vote at this link.

Check out informative printable flyers and publications – translations too.

Look for more emails from us on elections and voting processes in the weeks ahead. And as always, you can stay in the know at and visit our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter social media pages too.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Cancelled - Environmental Commission Meeting Oct 19

The Environmental Commission meeting 

scheduled for Thursday, Oct 19

has been cancelled

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Municipal Building delayed opening 18 Oct

 The Municipal Building will be opening at

9:00 am today

Wednesday, October 18

Friday, September 22, 2023

Community Day 2023

 Unfortunatly the Liberty Township Community Day 2023

must be canceled due to impending weather.

Community Days 2023 and 2024 will be combined with the 

Mountain Lake Fire Company Centennial Celebration 

on 17 August 2024.  

2023 Rosenkranz recipients will be recognized at the regularly scheduled meeting of the 

Liberty Township Governing Body, Thursday, 5 October beginning at 7pm within the 

Liberty Township Municipal Bulding, 349 Mountain Lake Road

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

20 Sept LandUse Board meeting - cancelled



Monday, August 28, 2023

Mountain Lake Beach

 Due to the presence of HAB (Harmful Alga Bloom)

Mountain Lake Beach is now closed for the season

West Nile Virus Activity is on the Rise in Warren County

 West Nile virus Activity is On the Rise in Warren County

Four more samples of mosquitoes collected last week tested positive for West Nile virus in Warren County.   All four samples consisted of Culex mosquitoes. This type of mosquito is the primary vector of West Nile virus and prefers to get its bloodmeals from birds. However, they do bite people as well, so residents are highly encouraged to wear mosquito repellent. The mosquitoes were collected from Hope and Liberty Townships on August 15th in traps specifically designed to catch Culex mosquitoes. 


So far this year, Warren County Mosquito Control Commission has submitted 314 mosquito samples to the state laboratory for mosquito-borne virus testing and eleven (11) mosquito samples this year have tested positive for West Nile virus.  The WNV positive mosquitoes have been collected from Belvidere, Blairstown, Franklin, Harmony, Hope (3), Liberty, Lopatcong (2) , and Washington Townships. Statewide, the number of West Nile positive mosquitoes is now above the 5-year average.  There have been three presumptive human cases of West Nile positive in New Jersey this year reported one each from Bergen, Camden, and Middlesex Counties.  Mid to late August is peak time for humans and other mammals to acquire this virus.  Subsequent trapping for adult mosquitoes is taking place to survey for mosquito species more likely to bite people.  Treatments to reduce adult mosquito populations in areas of the West Nile virus activity are scheduled for Saturday August 26, 2023, between 8:00 pm and 11:59 pm.


There are high populations of container-breeding mosquitoes in the area that could potentially transmit the virus.  YOU CAN HELP!  Residents are urged to help reduce their risk of contracting mosquito-borne diseases by following these guidelines: 

  • Don't produce mosquitoes on your property. Dump or drain standing water. Mosquitoes can't begin their life without water. Encourage your neighbors to do the same!
  • Defend yourself against mosquitoes using repellents containing the active ingredients:  DEET, IR3535, or Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus.
  • Avoid being outdoors when mosquitoes are present, typically Dawn and Dusk.
  • Report neglected swimming pools by calling 908-453-3585 or visiting  Anonymous calls accepted. Just one neglected pool

      can produce more than 1 million mosquitoes and affect people up to five miles away.  



West Nile virus symptoms of the mild form include fever, headache, tiredness, body aches, and swollen lymph glands. While the illness can be as short as a few days, even healthy people have reported being sick for several weeks. About 1 in 5 people with West Nile virus develop a fever and mild symptoms. Less than one percent of individuals (about 1 in 150 people) infected with West Nile virus will develop severe illness. The severe symptoms can include high fever, headache, neck stiffness, stupor, disorientation, coma, tremors, convulsions, muscle weakness, vision loss, numbness and paralysis. These symptoms may last several weeks, and neurological effects may be permanent. West Nile virus infection can be fatal.    


Horses can also contract West Nile virus and get seriously ill from the disease.  There is a vaccine for horses but they need to be vaccinated every year.  Contact your veterinarian for vaccination information. 


·         Information on WNV, repellents etc. from the Centers for Disease Control at

·         Notice of spraying to be done for adult mosquitoes in the county can be found on the website, scroll down to treatment schedule:

·         More information about West Nile virus and other vector borne diseases (mosquito & tick) present in New Jersey can be found at:

Friday, August 25, 2023

Tax Collector Office Closed 26 August

Please be advised the Tax Collector Office

will be closed

Saturday 26 August

and will reopen

Wednesday 30 August

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Rural Disaster Assistance for Warren County Residents and Businesses


SBA Opens Disaster Loan Outreach Center in Warren


Center Located at County Library Branch Offers Rural Disaster Assistance to New Jersey Businesses and Residents Affected by the Severe Storms and Flooding


Post Date:08/22/2023 3:23 PM


Low-interest federal disaster loans are available to businesses and residents in Warren County, New Jersey, affected by the severe storms and flooding that occurred July 14-15, 2023, announced Administrator Isabella Casillas Guzman of the U.S. Small Business Administration.

Beginning Wednesday, Aug. 23, 2023, SBA customer service representatives will be on hand at a Disaster Loan Outreach Center located in the Warren County Library’s Richard D. Gardner Branch to answer questions about SBA’s disaster loan program, explain the application process and help each individual complete the application.

Located at 2 Shotwell Drive, Belvidere (off Route 519 in White Township), the center will open at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 23. Subsequent hours will be Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The center will be closed on Sunday, and will close permanently on Wednesday, Sept. 6 at 4 p.m.

No appointment is necessary. The SBA outreach center will be located in the second floor meeting room of the Gardner Branch and is fully accessible using the building’s elevator. Warren County is offering the location and assisting with setting up the center, which will be operated by federal officials.

Further information about reporting damage and obtaining aid is available on a webpage established on Warren County’s Public Safety website.

According to the SBA, businesses of all sizes and private nonprofit organizations may borrow up to $2 million to repair or replace damaged or destroyed real estate, machinery and equipment, inventory, and other business assets.

For small businesses, small agricultural cooperatives, small businesses engaged in aquaculture and most private nonprofit organizations of any size, SBA offers Economic Injury Disaster Loans to help meet working capital needs caused by the disaster. Economic injury assistance is available regardless of whether the business suffered any property damage.

Disaster loans up to $500,000 are available to homeowners to repair or replace damaged or destroyed real estate. Homeowners and renters are eligible for up to $100,000 to repair or replace damaged or destroyed personal property, including personal vehicles.

SBA can also lend additional funds to businesses and homeowners to help with the cost of improvements to protect, prevent or minimize future disaster damage.

Interest rates can be as low as 4% for businesses, 2.375% for private nonprofit organizations and 2.5.% for homeowners and renters with terms up to 30 years. Loan amounts and terms are set by SBA and are based on each applicant’s financial condition.

SBA disaster loan borrowers have up to one year from the date of the note to begin making payments. In addition, interest does not begin to accrue until 12 months from the date of the initial loan disbursement and accrues only on the amount disbursed.

Applicants may apply online using the Electronic Loan Application (ELA) via SBA’s secure website at and should apply under SBA declaration # 18086.

Disaster loan information and application forms can be obtained by calling the SBA’s Customer Service Center at 800-659-2955 (if you are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability, please dial 7-1-1 to access telecommunications relay services) or sending an email to Loan applications can also be downloaded from Completed applications should be mailed to: U.S. Small Business Administration, Processing and Disbursement Center, 14925 Kingsport Road, Fort Worth, TX 76155.

While the SBA Loan Outreach Center is open until September 6 at the Library so that individuals who need assistance applying can sit down with an SBA representative and apply, residents do not need to go to the center to apply and can use the link to SBA’s secure website instead. The deadline to apply for property damage is Oct. 17, 2023. The deadline to apply for economic injury is May 20, 2024.

SBA acted under the Disaster Assistance for Rural Communities Act to declare a disaster in response to a request received from Gov. Philip D. Murphy.