Friday, February 26, 2021

JCP&L Routine & UV/IR Patrols

  JCP&L Routine & UV/IR Patrols 2/25/21

In approximately one week, weather permitting, Chesapeake Bay Helicopters (CBH) will be mobilizing to the JCPL region and will begin performing routine patrols on all JCPL 115kV bulk transmission lines. The helicopter to be used for these patrols will be a blue, Bell Jet Ranger with tail registration number N719CB – photo attached. These patrols are estimated to take two days to complete, but any inclement weather or storm/outage-related patrols on other lines may prolong completion. 

During the week of March 8th, weather permitting, CBH will be mobilizing a different helicopter to the JCPL region and will begin performing UV/IR patrols on all JCPL 500kV and 230kV bulk transmission lines. The helicopter to be used for these patrols will be a black and silver, Hughes MD500 with tail registration number N774CB – photo attached. These patrols are estimated to take one to one and a half weeks to complete, but again, any inclement weather or storm/outage-related patrols on other lines may prolong completion. 

A routine patrol is flown at speeds of 25-35 mph and is a general, overall look at the transmission line where the onboard inspector is looking for any outstanding damage on the transmission line conductors, hardware, and structures. The helicopter may also be seen hovering to get a closer look at any conditions that may be found.  

A UV/IR patrol is like a routine patrol in terms of patrol speed (25-35 mph) but utilizes an infrared and corona camera that’s mounted on the bottom of the helicopter. The onboard thermographer uses these cameras to view the transmission line conductor and hardware through the infrared and ultraviolet spectrums to identify any sources of corona activity or overheated components.  

It should be noted that the contractor has been authorized to patrol the transmission circuits in their entirety (i.e. "breaker-to-breaker"), so patrols on certain lines may therefore extend into the neighboring regions. The flight crew provides information on their daily location to both Transmission Lines Maintenance and FE East Transmission Operations, and the pilot will be in communication with any local airports when in their airspace. Please advise local Safety Forces and other public entities or sensitive customers as needed. 

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Liberty Township Environmental Commission


Liberty Township Environmental Commission

349 Mountain Lake Rd. Great Meadows, NJ 07838

908-637- 4579 x26






Take notice that, pursuant to the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 231, P.L. 1975, the following is the schedule of the regular meetings of the Liberty Township Environmental Commission to be held in 2021 and January 2022. All meetings shall begin at 7 P.M. on the third Thursday of each month at the Liberty Township Municipal Building, 349 Mountain Lake Rd., Great Meadows, NJ 07838.


ZOOM MEETINGS:  By reason of the Covid-19 pandemic, meetings of the Environmental Commission shall take place ONLY on Zoom, until further notice.   Public participation on Zoom is welcome!  The active link and Zoom meeting I.D. will be posted on the Township Blog and on our Facebook page, until in-person meetings resume.  You can find a link to the Township Blog on the official Liberty Township website.  To find us on Facebook, search for Liberty Township Environmental Commission.

Zoom meetings of the Liberty Township Environmental Commission shall take place on the third Thursday of each month in 2021 and January 2022. The public in invited to participate!

                              Use the following link or use the meeting ID:  


    Zoom Meeting ID: 816 9555 1700       OR     Dial in by phone  1-646-558-8656



Thursday, February 18

Thursday, March 18

Thursday, April 15

Thursday, May 20

Thursday, June 17

Thursday, July 15

Thursday, August 19

                                        Thursday, September 16

                                        Thursday, October 21

                                        Thursday, November 18

                                        Thursday, December 16



Thursday, January 20

Tuesday, February 23, 2021


 Please be advised that the Zoning office hours 

Wednesday, 24 February and

Wednesday 3 March

will be 12 noon to 3 pm

Monday, February 22, 2021

Monday, February 8, 2021

Environmental Commission Meeting via ZOOM Feb 18th


Liberty Twp Environmental Commission regular meeting




Time: 7:00 PM Eastern Time


Summary of Agenda: 

Township Newsletter, Free Trees Giveaway, Spring Garden dedication, Birding event, Mountain Lake water quality monitoring program (volunteers and fundraising help wanted). 


Link to Join Zoom Meeting on your device:


OR, sign in on your Zoom App and use:

Meeting ID: 894 9009 7518

Passcode: 5832


OR, dial-in by phone:   1-646-558-8656      Meeting ID: 894 9009 7518

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Tuesday, 2 February 2021

Happy Ground Hog Day.
Due to continued weather conditions the Liberty Township Municipal Offices are closed until further notice.
Please stay home and remain safe.  Thank you

Monday, February 1, 2021

1 February 2021 -Municipal Offlce Closure

Due to weather conditions the Liberty Township Municipal Offices are closed.
Please stay home and remain safe until this storm has passed.
Thank you